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02 December 2010

MEDEA European Collaboration Award 2010

"Evolution of life" received the MEDEA European Collaboration Award 2010. The MEDEA Awards competition recognises excellence and creativity in media in education.

"Evolution of life" was described by the judging panel as being an excellent media application that appeals to almost all age groups or education levels with simple explanations, pleasant use of media where the content is explained and presented with layers of intensity and depth. They found the total package to be of a high pedagogic quality, with images, animation, witnesses, real video and graphs all being used in a relevant and appropriate manner, with a very good balance between seriousness and lightness or even subtle bits of humour that can be appreciated across cultures and which are nice for children.

12 November 2010

Virus movie nominated for award

The movie "Evolution before our eyes" has been nominated for an award at the European Science TV and New Media Festival 2010 in London!
The movie tells the story of an experiment that was done to see what it takes for a plant virus to adapt to a new plant species. A small film crew visited Professor Santiago Elena in his lab in Valencia (Spain) and the resulting footage was transformed into an 8 minute documentary by Brant Backlund. The film already won an award at the "Vedere la Scienza Festival 2010" (category: Educational videos for the web).

05 October 2010

"Evolution of life" finalist at MEDEA Awards 2010

"Evolution of life" is one of nine finalists at the MEDEA Awards 2010. The MEDEA Awards competition is all about recognising, encouraging and rewarding excellence and creativity in media in education. The finalists were chosen by a jury made up of 74 education and media experts from 26 countries. "Evolution of life" will be presented in the frame of the Media & Learning Conference (25 - 26 November 2010 in Brussels)

20 September 2010

"Mutations - selection : the bacteria resist" at Imagine Science Film Festival (New York)

The animation short "Mutations - selection : the bacteria resist" is in the official selection of the film festival Imagine Science Film Festival (ISFF) .
Screening on 17th October 2010 at 4:00 PM in the New York Hall of Science.

Piccolina on TV

23th August 2010: film sequences from the animation short "O comme origine" were broadcasted on the french TV channel France 2 to illustrate an interview of the exobiologist François Raulin.

"Mutations - selection : the bacteria resist" at "Science Film Festival Thailand 2010"

The animation short "Mutations - selection : the bacteria resist" is in the official competition of "Science Film Festival Thailand 2010" (16 – 30 November 2010).

01 June 2010

New movie "The case of the shrinking cod" online

The case of the shrinking cod
Why are cod no longer as large as they were 100 years ago? Scientists try to find out whether evolution plays a role.

28 April 2010

07 April 2010

"The Earth changes its appearance" online

A new simulation “The Earth changes its appearance” is now on the web site.

The Earth rumbles! The Earth explodes! Earthquakes and volcanoes hide subtle and unsuspected movements of tectonic plates. Come find out more about them!

28 February 2010

Three movies in competition at Vedere la Scienza Festival 2010

The two animation movies "Darwin on the evolution trail" , "O as origin" and the documentary "Evolution before our eyes" are in the official competition of the international science film festival Vedere la Scienza Festival 2010 (22-28 march 2010).

12 February 2010

First simulation "Water in all its states" is online

Our Planet, Earth, is an unusual planet in the solar system due to the fact that it is the only planet to possess an element that is essential for life to progress: liquid water.

See how changes in temperature and pressure affect the states of water!